Our class web site can
be a creative way of getting class members excited
about a subject, keeping you up to date on assignments,
and providing you with valuable online resources. Because
a class site should be engaging, I'll try to present
information that makes the subject interesting and fun, such
as brain teasers or polls about current events. Of course,
I'll want to include plenty of links so you can explore a
wealth of ideas on the web.
help me by sending suggestions, comments, and content to be
added to this site. This
is not my site, but rather it belongs to the Lord and the class.
I am simply the computer Geek that our savior will use to maintain the
site and spread the Good News.
Events and Announcements
Last Updated 1/5/2008
New Year! At the current time we do not have any special
events or projects scheduled that I am aware of. Class
members that have an upcoming event, or announcement that
needs to be published should contact me via phone or email and
I will be sure to publish it here.
Bella the Box Office
If you'd like to encourage Hollywood to produce more
family-friendly films, why not start by supporting the ones
that are coming out now? There's an opportunity right now to
make a powerful pro-life statement by getting your family and
friends out to the theater this weekend to see Bella,
a life- and heart-changing film about the true meaning of
love. Because of overwhelming box office demand, Bella
is expanding to nearly 50 new cities in the next few weeks. I
encourage you to visit the film's website and see where it's
playing near you. The more success this film has, the greater
its possibility of touching more people and saving more lives.
For other ways that you or your church can promote Bella,
log on to www.helpbella.com.

Additional Resources
Bella website