This is a page where I can
broaden the context of a discussion and offer motivated class members advanced
material for further study on their own time.
Sunday 1/13/2008. The Star
Of Bethlehem: Taught by Brother Don Bowes
As promised here is more in depth
materials on the class that brother Don taught, broken down into several parts
complete with footnotes and recreated in PDF format for easy
viewing. We pray that you will study this material prayerfully and ask the
Holy Spirit to guide you as you explore deeper into the Star of Bethlehem. Click
on the links provided below to download the file to your computer. This
could take several minuits depending on the speed of your computer so please be
Setting The Stage
The Starry Dance
The Day Of The Cross
What Does This Mean
Acrobat Reader is required to view these files if you do not have it download
it here for free 