Submit your prayer request below, and rest assured that your request
is kept sacred and confidential. Every request sent to us receives
loving, compassionate attention. Please know that we are here for you
and that you are never alone. We will never share your personal
information with any third party except for other class members as
needed to fulfill your prayer request.
* Please Keep your Prayer request to 1000 characters or less
* Country
Your First Name
Your Last Name
* Your Address
( House #, Street, P.O. Box )
( Additional Information: i.e. Apt. #, c/o,
Unit # )
* ZIP/Postal Code
* E-mail
Check this box if you do not wish to receive a
periodic newsletter
Not Publish my Prayer Request in Newsletter
check this box if you do not want your prayer
request to be
published in the class Newsletter.
* PLEASE NOTEThe Do Not Publish Box is
Unchecked by default. By not checking this box
(opting out) you acknowledge that you specifically
request and authorize the publication of your name and
prayer request in the class Newsletter
so that other class members and believers can pray
for your needs. You understand that any other personally
identifiable information provided such as address and
telephone number will remain strictly confidential in
accordance with our Privacy
The Reaching The Community Class Room B 209 Higher Ground Baptist Church 1625 Lynn Garden
Drive Kingsport, TN 37665